Tony Hanson
Co-Founder, Passionate and Driven Professional focused on Leadership and Management in the Home Building Industry.
Results-driven Operating Manager and Business Partner with over 20 years experience guiding the development of performance-driven, customer-driven, market-driven organizations. Recognized for innovative leadership and counsel in transitioning under-performing organizations into top producers.
Strong Executive Presence with outstanding communication and negotiation skills. Characterized as a talented strategist, capital thought producer, project leader and customer relationship manager. Excellent reputation throughout the construction industry as being ethical with a high level of personal integrity and commitment.
Forerunner in the development and market launch of products, programs and features to meet market demand. Equally successful in new market development, driving revenue growth and maximizing gross profits despite intense competition.
Specialties: Leadership, Operations, Land Acquisition & Development, Market Studies & Feasibility Analysis, New Home Sales Management and Training, Idea Generator and other areas of home-building operations.